A Custody/Parenting Time Evaluation requires a good deal of time and energy from everyone involved. It involves a court order and consists of a series of standard interviews and psychological tests administered in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each parent as a parent, and to examine those strengths and weaknesses in light of the specific psychological needs of the children involved. The parents can submit documentation they believe is relevant to the child(ren)'s needs, the parents' ability to meet those needs, and the parents' ability to work together. I will also contact collateral informants, such as the child(ren)'s teacher and any mental health professionals involved with the family system.
The evaluation produces a report (usually 60 – 80 pages in length) that is delivered to the legal representative of each parent as well as the judicial officer who authorized the evaluation. The report includes recommendations to the court regarding the arrangements that will best serve the needs and well-being of the child(ren).
Through decades of experience and over 120 evaluations for family law courts, I understand the range of emotions and the levels of stress that are occurring for parents who are undergoing a Custody/Parenting Time or Parental Fitness Evaluation. You will be afforded respect and compassion throughout the process.
The process begins by (unfortunately) completing a number of forms before your first visit (see below). In a full custody evaluation, I will spend a few hours with you as an individual, some time observing interaction between you and your child(ren), and some individual time with each child involved who is age six or older. A complete step-by-step description of the custody evaluation process can be obtained from the Procedures document found below.